My USA/Canada Review

Tuesday 18 July: Morning, I buy more treats today, go on a long bus ride to the airport and check in drama free. Today is not about the flight but rather an overview of my trip as a whole: Reviewing the places I visited: New York: An incredible place! You could spend a whole holidayContinue reading “My USA/Canada Review”

We are the Gilmore girls

Sunday 18 June: We felt we hadn’t seen enough of Boston so we continued our journey on the freedom trail where we went past a bunch of buildings as most weren’t open (most things on at least the east side of America only open at 11). We looked at the Park street church, Kings Chapel,Continue reading “We are the Gilmore girls”

Rain rain and more rain

Saturday 17 June: I got to sleep in and just catch up some sleep. My mom went to shul while I rested. It started raining and didn’t stop the whole day which meant after lunch we weren’t able to go walking around. We waited and waited and only then we realized the rain wasn’t goingContinue reading “Rain rain and more rain”

Cliff walk, Boston and the freedom trail

Friday 16 June: We woke up in the morning and started the day off early as we had a lot to do. We started our morning off with the cliff walk in Newport which went around on a path between the ocean and fancy houses (I’m guessing holiday houses) and universities. It was such aContinue reading “Cliff walk, Boston and the freedom trail”